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Here are some details about a repeater I own:

Frequency:    Output     147.240 MHz

                        Input        147.840 MHz

PL:                   Input       94.8 Hz

Location:        Coral Gables

Hardware:      GE Exec II basestation with an NHRC controller and a TX/RX Duplexer.    

Autopatch:    None at this time.

This is an open repeater available to all licensed hams (with the exception of W4TUC).     It will be linked to my 443.225 MHz repeater.   At that point, an Autopatch will be available.   

And here are some pictures of the system.

First the front of the Rack:

The duplexer is the 4 cans at the bottom of the rack.   The radio is just above it.   This rack also contains a simplex 440 repeater, 222 band transmitter and two link receivers.

Mvc-507f.jpg (54094 bytes)


The rear of the rack:

Mvc-503f.jpg (60593 bytes)


The antenna:

Mvc-709f.jpg (29445 bytes)

Last update: 01/14/08 01:12:20 PM

Except for portions owned by others, Copyright: Ray Vaughan, 2008
